VS Code Vim 速记
VS Code 的 Vim 扩展,除了复现标准的 Vim 键位之外,默认启用了几个插件,在此简单罗列平时常用的几个。
Based on surround.vim, the plugin is used to work with surrounding characters like parentheses, brackets, quotes, and XML tags.
or <
as <desired>
or <existing>
will enter tag entry mode. Using <CR>
instead of >
to finish changing a tag will preserve any existing attributes.
y s <motion> <desired>
Add desired
surround around text defined by <motion>
d s <existing>
Delete existing
c s <existing> <desired>
Change existing
surround to desired
S <desired>
Surround when in visual modes (surrounds full selection)
Some examples:
with cursor inside quotes typecs"'
to end up with'test'
with cursor inside quotes typeds"
to end up withtest
with cursor inside quotes typecs"t
and enter123>
to end up with<123>test</123>
Similar to vim-commentary, but uses the VS Code native Toggle Line Comment and Toggle Block Comment features.
Usage examples:
- toggles line comment. For examplegcc
to toggle line comment for current line andgc2j
to toggle line comments for the current line and the next two lines.gC
- toggles block comment. For examplegCi)
to comment out everything within parentheses.
Based on vim-indent-object, it allows for treating blocks of code at the current indentation level as text objects. Useful in languages that don't use braces around statements (e.g. Python).
Provided there is a new line between the opening and closing braces / tag, it can be considered an agnostic cib
This indentation level
This indentation level and the line above (think if
statements in Python)
This indentation level, the line above, and the line after (think if
statements in C/C++/Java/etc)
VSCodeVim tricks!
- jump to definition.gq
- on a visual selection reflow and wordwrap blocks of text, preserving commenting style. Great for formatting documentation comments.gb
- adds another cursor on the next word it finds which is the same as the word under the cursor.af
- visual mode command which selects increasingly large blocks of text. For example, if you had "blah (foo [bar 'ba|z'])" then it would select 'baz' first. If you pressedaf
again, it'd then select [bar 'baz'], and if you did it a third time it would select "(foo [bar 'baz'])".gh
- equivalent to hovering your mouse over wherever the cursor is. Handy for seeing types and error messages without reaching for the mouse!